Scent of the Day


Forum GOD!
Armani Code Parfum

I think the modern day, definitive Code is now the EDP. It has virtually the same smell as the EDT but with every performance boxed ticked.
So it's too early for me to say get this one over the EDP but they are close in terms of how good it is. If you wanted to try Code for the first time then at the moment I am leaning towards still recommending the EDP.

This one though is a more than worthy flanker to join the line up. Reviews of it being weak are not to be believed, it's ever so slightly restrained in projection against the EDP but not by much. It is what it says on the bottle, Code as a Parfum. So the instant Code dna smacks straight away but the inclusion of iris makes this one stand out.

The Code series is one of my top favourites.
Elixir next I wonder?

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