What is your favorite Bible translation?


Forum GOD!
Hi !

English is not my first language, so, I use a bulgarian Bible translation Veren, but also, I begin to read NKJV :)

What is your favorite translation, and why?


Forum GOD!
New American Standard (NASV) is close to the original Greek manuscripts. I have also used Vines Expository Dictionary, Youngs Concordance, and an interliner Greek/English New Testament. However, so much is now online that having these in print form is no longer necessary.

I do think doing Greek words studies is essential to gaining an understanding of the writer's intent.
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Forum GOD!
I couldn't agree more. The New English Bible is no replacement. Similarly, the Book of Common Prayer needs no "updating", or "modernisation".
I couldn’t agree with you more either. As for the BCP, I’m partial to the 1662 and 1928 BCP. The “modernistation” of the language leaves much to be desired. BTW, I was baptised and confirmed in the High Church.
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