Über Bum
Have we exhausted them, I’m not really cut out for this amount of IT ... may we close it?
As long as you don’t add anything! I think we have pretty much covered all that we need to ...You do realise it will take me hours and cost me a fortune to go through that list
Noooo, I love to see more and more options of stores...Have we exhausted them, I’m not really cut out for this amount of IT ... may we close it?
Perhaps just keep a few of the top shaving gear websites, and let people know more can be found by googling? Traditional wetshaving has grown exponentially over the last five years. It is now a huge marketplace with vendors as numerous as the stars. New ones arise and some existing ones close, all of which makes maintenance of such a list infeasible. I just googled on the following terms and got 17,100,000 results:Have we exhausted them, I’m not really cut out for this amount of IT ... may we close it?