Rose Soap Suggestions?


Über Bum
Is there an artisan soap which has the classic fragrance combination of rose and oud?

Any suggestions will be gratefully received.


The Spangle Maker
Eufros "Rosa Oud" is really nice,i think Wholly Kaw "King of Oud" has Rose ,Aion Skincare formerly Grooming Dept has Tresor,a rose and incense scent available at Slick Boys atm

Arsene Wenger

Forum GOD!
Eufros "Rosa Oud" is really nice,i think Wholly Kaw "King of Oud" has Rose ,Aion Skincare formerly Grooming Dept has Tresor,a rose and incense scent available at Slick Boys atm
Those three soaps above are all top draw soaps, IMHO and I have all of them - the Eufros being my favourite, closely followed by Tresor by Aion Skincare, which has a slightly milder smell.


The Spangle Maker
Those three soaps above are all top draw soaps, IMHO and I have all of them - the Eufros being my favourite, closely followed by Tresor by Aion Skincare, which has a slightly milder smell.
I forgot Dragonsbeard by Ethos another favorite of mine,i have a small amount of Eufros Rosa Oud left👍