Gary Taubes'
Why We Get Fat: And What to Do About It changed my life (March 2018). Before I was done with it I altered my diet and cut sugars and processed grains / breads, starches. Next thing I did was purchase
Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution (2009 paperback) and really started a ketogenic diet. Atkins induction, which you start out on, limits carbs to 20 grams or less a day, which is a very low carb diet. I'm coming up on two years on this way of eating and there is no way I will go back to the status quo.
My wife noticed, since I started cooking my own food. She cut a lot of her carbs (she has type 2 diabetes) and her A1C dropped below the 6.5 threshold. I now accompany her to her twice yearly diabetes checkups and you would not believe what these doctors are saying.
Why We Get Fat is at your local library. Check it out. Learn why the government's low fat diet created the obesity / type 2 diabetes epidemic. Look up McGovern's 1977 Dietary Guidelines. And look up Ancel Keys - another major instigator. These unproven, unscientific low fat diets have world-wide effects.
There are only three macronutrients: carbohydrates, proteins and fats. By recommending low fat, carbs go up, which only leads to bad things. Visceral fat - aka truncal fat, that oatmeal mush in your midsection coating your organs.