Forum GOD!
Amongst all the books I read or tried to read, I'd say that "The Art of Worldly Wisdom" was the most life changing; well not so really life changing so to speak, rather more like perception changing. No spiritual elevation here, just pure effectiveness in order to achieve your goal(s) ... Another title was "The Art of Prudence, or a Companion for a Man of Sense".
Furthermore, I've always appreciated such books (although I never applied their precepts) : The Art of War, The Book of Five Rings, 36 Stratagems, some parts of the Arthashâstra, the books of Robert Green, etc.
Furthermore, I've always appreciated such books (although I never applied their precepts) : The Art of War, The Book of Five Rings, 36 Stratagems, some parts of the Arthashâstra, the books of Robert Green, etc.