We have updated the classifieds rule section, specifically with regard to vendor/artisans participation.
Classifieds - Our Classifieds forums are for members to trade with each other and are for personal sales only. Access to Classifieds requires a minimum number of posts [100] and is enabled 60 days after you register on the site. The BST section is hidden until the criteria are met. Please try to put a guide price on items you are offering for sale. We have no control over buyer or seller, do not get involved in transactions, and do not hold personal details for any forum members so please be careful with your transactions. We reserve the right to remove any listing at our discretion without notice. Vendors and Artisans are granted permission to post and reply in the Classifieds. However, any self promotion and/or selling of their own brand goods and services is STRICTLY forbidden. Any and all self promotion must be done via the Vendors News and Offers Forum.
Classifieds - Our Classifieds forums are for members to trade with each other and are for personal sales only. Access to Classifieds requires a minimum number of posts [100] and is enabled 60 days after you register on the site. The BST section is hidden until the criteria are met. Please try to put a guide price on items you are offering for sale. We have no control over buyer or seller, do not get involved in transactions, and do not hold personal details for any forum members so please be careful with your transactions. We reserve the right to remove any listing at our discretion without notice. Vendors and Artisans are granted permission to post and reply in the Classifieds. However, any self promotion and/or selling of their own brand goods and services is STRICTLY forbidden. Any and all self promotion must be done via the Vendors News and Offers Forum.